Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fabric Covered Easter Eggs - Tutorial

Good Morning.  I'm going to make this quick today since I'm going shopping at one of my favorite stores - Michael's!

I came across this tutorial by Vanessa Christenson and knew that I had to share it with you since Easter is right around the corner.  Aren't they sweet?  I display ceramic eggs in a basket but wanted a new look for another basket I want to put together.  These totally fit the bill!

You can find the tutorial here:  Fabric Covered Eggs

Or if eggs aren't your thing then check out the whole list of tutorials at Vanessa's blog here:  V and Co Tutorials   She offers many for free and some are available as PDF files in her store.  Go check it out!

Well, I'm off to shop 'til I drop for more crafting supplies - Yippee!!!  Have a terrific Saturday and watch for my next post for making your own Easter Basket!


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