Tuesday, July 3, 2012

T-shirt Fringed Flip Flops

Good Afternoon!  

It's been a while I know, but my hubby is on vacation and we are enjoying his time off! Swimming, grilling, relaxing have been our mantra for the last week or so.  We even fit in an awesome day trip which I will tell you about soon!

Today my post is about flip flops. You know the ones I mean - the not so cute ones that are about $3. Well they CAN be cute with this method.  If you are like me your kids or better half are an ever ending supply of old t-shirts - and that's just what you need to make these flip flops! 

Got you interested? Wanna know how? Well, follow my link to get the scoop!

 T-shirt Fringed Flip Flops, large

Thanks to Michael's Craft Store for the inspiration and instructions!

Have a terrific Tuesday! And a Fantastic 4th of July! See ya soon.

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