Saturday, March 19, 2011

Chainless Double Crochet - Who Knew???

I absolutely love this technique!!  If you crochet, you know that the worst part of starting a new project is the foundation chain and then the return row.  At least for me it is - LOL!  This tutorial combines both and is totally awesome!  Take the 4 minutes time to watch - you won't be sorry.

The gal who did this tut can be found at this location: Art of Crochet by Teresa

She has so many patterns and tutorials it's crazy.  I find that her blog is my go to place when I'm unsure about a technique or I'm looking for ideas for a new project.  Her blog is soooo informative!

I'll be showcasing more of her tutorials in the future.  Stay tuned!

Have a fantastic day.  See you soon.

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