Saturday, May 28, 2011

Deep Fried Ice Cream!! YUM!

Good Morning!!

It's a holiday weekend and school is just about out for us!!!  Hurray!!!  Wouldn't it be fun to have something 'cool' and different for dessert at your Memorial Day picnic?  How about Deep Fried Ice Cream?  Doesn't it look yummy?  Fortunately for us my darling husband worked in a Mexican Restaurant in his youth and knows how to make this sweet treat.  But for those of you who don't here's a good tutorial: Deep Fried Ice Cream!!
I'm totally torn between this and Deep Fried Candy Bars - decisions, decisions!! Hmmmm - maybe both! LOL!!! Well, no matter what you decide for dessert, I hope your holiday weekend is great!

Happy Saturday to you and see ya soon!

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