Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dig Drop Done - A Must for Spring

Good morning!

Here in NC we are having a very mild winter.  We recently enjoyed temperatures in the low 70's.  It is evident that the temps are warm since I noticed that my daffodils have come up and are starting to bud. Even for North Carolina, I think it's a little early for that!

All of this brings me to today's post.  I happened across a terrific site for planting and caring for bulbs.  With spring right around the corner, the timing couldn't have been more perfect.  So I knew I had to pass it along to all of you!  Go here to see what it's all about:

Bulb Inspiration - see bulb pictures and video to spark your imagination

I promise you won't be disappointed that you took the time to go! Wonderfully informative, fantastic inspiration as you can see above and even videos! Check it out!

Have a great day and we'll chat soon.

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